Breakthrough's compact Vision Series Cleaning Kit line offers you everything you need to ensure a thorough clean. Its plastic tray keeps all the various pieces of the kit organized neatly inside a durable case that acts like a mini toolbox.

4 Stainless Steel Rods
1 Handle
3 Nylon Bristle Bore Brushes (.357/.38 cal/9mm, .40 cal/10mm, .45 cal)
3 Cotton Bore Mops (.357/.38 cal/9mm, .40 cal/10mm, .45 cal)
1 Double End Brush
1 Muzzle Guard
1 Brass Patch Holder
1 Box of Patches
1 Box of Woolen Felts
3 Brass Jags (.357/.38 cal/9mm, .40 cal/10mm, .45 cal)
1 15ml Bottle of Breakthrough Military-Grade Solvent
1 12ml Bottle of Battle Born High-Purity Oil

Bct Vision Cln Kit Pcc

  • $39.99 USD