New Made Item: This is the highest quality replica of the WWII German Stick Grenade or "Potato Masher" on the market today. This M1924, M24, or "Stielhandgranate 24" that is almost impossible to tell from an original. In WW2 the stick of the German M24 (Model 24) grenade provided a lever, significantly improving the throwing distance. The Model 24 could be thrown approximately 30 to 40 yards, whereas the British Mills bomb could only be thrown about 15 yards. The design also minimized the risk of the grenade rolling downhill back towards the thrower when used in hilly terrain or in urban areas. These grenades were extremely useful for clearing out entrenched infantry positions.
IMA's exclusive stunning replica features a removable threaded metal die-struck head, exactly like the genuine issue, with the correct manufacture's stamp, 1939 date, and proper painted lettering. The wooden handle is hollow as a correctly made metal screw cap base and porcelain bead on pull cord, also included is the copper fuse base under the screw off head. German olive drab paint is marked with arming instructions: VOR GEBRAUCH SPRENGKAPSEL EINSETZEN, "BEFORE USING, INSERT DETONATOR".
Overall length: 13 1/2 inches
Handle: 10 1/2 inches
Canister: 3 1/2 inches